The New Year SALE !- Something Old, Something New
I’m starting the year with the bad news … don’t panic, stay with me !
The bad news is, I’ve had to, after running Whole Lot of Rosie for 10 years, have a price increase. Costs have gone up for everyone and both my tea importers and packaging importers have increased their prices substantially in the last couple of years. So .. I’m starting the year with an increase but it’s not all bad news.
Your lovely teas are now £4.25, up 50p ..
BUT order 3 and add the code: 3 teas from the shop, and you can get your fave 3 teas for £11.50
(or 6 for £23 if you add 2 codes – you get my drift) These 3 teas would have been £11.25 so really close to the original price!
MORE GOOD NEWS … A SALE …. £3.50 a packet ….!
We’ve got some of your favourite teas on sale, including all our Christmas Teas and some of our regular teas that you can get for the LAST TIME
Body and soul Calypso Rose
Pretty Green Move On Up
BUT WE’VE ALSO GOT A NEW TEA – Sending love to you and yours and a loving hand for those in need
Welcome – our new tea ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE – ONLY AVAILABLE FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY so grab it while you can.
This Mint tea blend sees Peppermint and Spearmint teas blended together with candy hearts
It’s a great tea for Valentines,
IMPORTANTLY — Each purchase of this tea sends 50p to GAZA EMERGENCY APPEAL ,
This is through (find out more and donate more HERE) sharing the love to families in Gaza who are desperate for food, water and medical aid.
We’ll be continuing this with a new tea after Feb and for as long as needed so keep them peeled
SO…. give love, share love and love each other this winter